Raising honey bees is simple enough, while deeply fascinating and entertaining. You provide the bees with fine accommodations, check on them occasionally to make sure they’re comfortable, and they will just do what bees do in making honey. However, after … Continue reading
Category Archives: Bees
Bee Check – April 28
Bee Launch 2013
This gallery contains 11 photos.
Yes, there’s still snow on the ground. — Weather When Posted –Temperature: 27°F;Humidity: 81%;Heat Index: 27°F;Wind Chill: 27°F;Pressure: 30.11 in.;
Capped Honey in Time for Fireworks
7/1/12 Sun 11 a.m., 85 degrees, sunny Supers Top (Medium size) Super: empty Middle & Bottom Large Supers: Both very heavy to lift and bees are docile and quiet. Very little smoke needed. It took some time to loosen each … Continue reading
Brood Ballyhoo
6/23/12 Sat 11 am. 80 degrees Supers Top (Medium size) Super: empty Middle Large Super: Bees were very docile. 80% of the frames had uncapped nectar. Removed 3 small supercedure cells at the bottom of 2 frames. There was one … Continue reading
Beek Gathering
6/22 fri. 6pm 90 degrees/rain Beek party@ Faustinec’s. Due to rain we could not inspect the hive. Maybe for the best given the extreme heat. Wearing a bee suit for 30 mins in heat then going to a cocktail gathering … Continue reading
Hive Addition
Supers Top Medium Super: added today although missing 2 frames Middle Large Super: Frame 1,2 and 8,9 (outsides) several bees on vs last week and 2 & 8 starting to show nectar. 3-7 filled entirely with capped brood. 4-6 with … Continue reading
Changing it Up
5/24/12 Thurs 6pm 70 degrees Goal To change order of the hive bodies and conduct a quick inspection. Supers Several supercedure cells cut out. Cell coverage heavy and very dark compared to last year. Bees more docile than last year. … Continue reading